Silent Auction / Raffle

Donated by PAULINE IU:

a cardboard book about corgis

gift wrapping paper

corgi writing set

soft corgi key chain from Buckingham Palace

tiny whimsies corgis

two wood corgi pins, one sterling corgi charm,
a medallion from the Pem Welsh Corgi Fanciers

5"x7: framed vintage corgi cigarette card

discontinued Hagen Renker corgi (c.2"x2")

circle of corgis candle holder

brand new tastefully-blinged corgi purse and matching zip bag

totally awesome cardstock corgi mask from Buckingham Palace

Donated by DANA KEITHLY:

Corgi Block

CWC Mirror/Compact

Corgi Mug

Corgi Pins

Corgi Sticker
