The 24rd So Cal Corgi Picnic is SEPTEMBER 18, 2022!!

WHO: all corgi lovers and their corgis, honorary corgis and wannabe corgis
WHAT: a fundraising picnic with CorgiFolk
WHEN: Sunday, September 18, 2022; 11:00 am to 4:00 pm-ish
WHERE: Griffith Park, Los Angeles, across from Roosevelt Golf Course (map posted)
WHY: we LOVE our corgis!!

This picnic site is rustic with lotsa trees for shade and a grassy area if you want to bring a pop-up.
The parking is close and so is the restroom!

Please no agility equipment and no unleashed dogs 'cuz this site is on the street.

These things remain the same:  donations to
CorgiAid, silent auction, good friends, and CORGIS!!

C'ya there!
ps://"><img src=";10771;475/st/20220918/e/So+Cal+Corgi+Picnic/dt/-3/k/0659/event.png"></a>